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Hi. Not sure if this is the right place to ask lol. So basically I have worked in a Chinese tech company based in KL recently and after few months, I got notified by HR that there are basically 2 job tier in the company i.e. A tier and B tier (I’m in Tier B). Due to the scope of my job (I’ve taken more job responsibility than what’s required for this role), they would like to offer me to transition into Tier A. Tier A and Tier B employee has different compensation structure where Tier A has a fixed 2 month bonus while Tier B has a fixed 1 month bonus.

Here’s the catch, to transition into Tier A, my monthly salary would need to be deducted as the yearly salary package needs to be the same. HR and my manger told me that it is worth to take the offer to move to Tier A as Tier A position has much wider room for salary increment in the future and better career prospect in the company. But this also depends on performance, including the 2 months fixed bonus.

Essentially, by taking up the offer to transition to Tier A, I need to give up a fixed amount of my salary each month (around 10% deduction), in exchange of the additional 1 month bonus + “career growth” opportunity.

I kinda love my job and the colleagues are friendly and nice, but there are times where the job can be mundane and heavy. The thing that I dislike is that i would need to communicate in Chinese (most of the time), both verbal and written which I find it abit of a hassle despite i know Chinese.

Also if the company forcefully enforce this transition, can I take any action?

Would like hear your advice. Thanks !
@phunnyfilosophy Bro by right u are taking more risk. 10 percent less for a chance of an extra month.
Might as well sit where you are.
In any case, I bet the 10% is worth more to you than it does to the company and since they are asking you to take on more responsibility, the least they at least do is to maintain your salary but have a chance of more bonus.
What they are offering you is bs imo. If you are good enough, you should be paid better, not get the “chance” to get paid the same. Wtf.
@phunnyfilosophy When you are taking a new role, it is likely a new contract and they will send offer letter and it does required a consent from you just like any other role. You will never know why they wanted you to change but they might have bad practice or fishy things, who knows...

They can't enforce you and if they decided to fire you, you definitely can sue them back.

If they decided to play dirty and make your works like hell, time to jump 😎

Similar case here

Just to be clear about the deduction, with the new role, you will lose extra 20 percent of your salary, basically the deduction will be 1.2 month of salary.
@phunnyfilosophy Usually in cases like this, either you get and increment or at least additional allowance.

First time I see a deal where you get "promoted" and given extra work load but also salary deduction.
@phunnyfilosophy If you are given more job responsibilities, and you are performing well, why aren't you compensated with a better salary package?

The better option is to find another company and better offer, stay in Tier B with a better basic, so you can negotiate a better offer elsewhere

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