Seat Belt Ticket ... Why do Cops Lie ?


New member
I remember speaking to 'G' about this last year when i got a quote. They claim I was pulled over (which was a contributing factor in INSURANCE RATE INCREASES~)

INDEED i was pulled over for a seat violation --- but they (THE COPS) shouldn't have told me 'No Points, No Violation' --- this is an Outright Lie!
  1. IF seat belt violations create NO POINTS, then why do insurance companies RAISE Driver Rates?
  2. Why do Cops say 'No Points, no violation' --- Insurance companies can SEE you were pulled over, Stopped etc ?
  3. If you get pulled over for 'expired tag', you will get a ticket. Does this count the same as a 'Seat Belt' Violation?
Thanks for your input!
@cobondservant I fail to see where the police officer lied to you. Telling you that you're not getting points on your license is NOT telling you that your insurance company may not opt to raise your rates.
@aamcle PLEASE ... Cops tell you this for one reason --- They don't want you to give them Crap (and they don't want to fight) PERIOD. --- the police traffic system of points is meaningless !
@cobondservant I would absolutely hope that police will say things to try to de-escalate and keep things calm. You say that like it's a bad thing.

Beyond that, your comments show a complete lack of understanding on how insurance works. The police do not set your insurance rates. They do not bill you. Hell, even if they wrote you a ticket that did put points on your license, they have no say in whether or not that will raise your rates, or by how much. So if you sit back and trust anything the police might say with regards to your insurance rates....that's on you. They have nothing to do with your insurance rates. You wouldn't trust your auto mechanic to break down potential cost increases to your health insurance, would you? So why would you trust a random police officer to break down potential cost increases to your auto insurance?
@aamcle Your response shows a complete lack of Reading Skills.
  1. Talk your Bar fly friends this way (not me).
  2. My question was 'Why' --- and your answer is 'to de-escalate' --- PERIOD.
  3. thanks for your response (that i had to beat out of you)!
Now go away!
@cobondservant You sound like a very pleasant person to be around. If you don't like people explaining how insurance rates work (and why the police have no say in it), then you should probably refrain from posting questions like this in an insurance subreddit. But, best of luck to you. I'd also recommend that you start wearing your seat belt to avoid future citations that will show your insurance carrier that you're an irresponsible driver. You'll probably notice less severe price increases if you try to follow the law while driving.
  1. Insurance points are completely different than license points. The ticket you received may not have put any points on your license (which is for the DMV to keep track of and take away your license if you have too many), but it has nothing to do with how insurance views the ticket.
  2. Cops don't know how insurance works any more than the average person who doesn't work in the industry. They are also technically correct, but they meant DMV points, not insurance points.
  3. That is entirely dependent on how your state and insurance company score things. Sometimes "administrative" tickets are not counted against you for insurance, sometimes they are.
@cobondservant Cops aren’t insurance agents and they can’t possibly know every company’s underwriting guidelines.

Hell I don’t even trust cops to make correct liability decisions after an accident.
@cobondservant There's a difference between points on your driver's license and driving record points charged by your insurance company. You may zero points on your driver's license because the violation was a 0-point violation, but the insurance company can surcharge you with their own points because it's still a violation regardless of how it appears on your driving record.

Receiving a seatbelt violation shows irresponsibility. You were rightfully surcharged for being an unsafe driver.
@cobondservant You didn’t get a point on your driving record which contributes to the suspension or loss of your license eventually. You did get a seat belt violation though, the cop didn’t have to tell you anything but he was likely defusing you while documenting your infraction. Insurance companies can see Motor vehicle reports and despite a seat belt violation carrying 0 points, it looks risky to an insurance company. Wear your seat belt champ.
@cobondservant Points in your license for the state is totally different than points for your insurance. There's no reason why a cop should have in depth knowledge of the nuances of insurance just like there's no reason why your insurance agent should have in depth knowledge of general legal statutes.

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