*SCAMMER ALERT!* Did I get Fooled or nearly Fooled? What should I do?


New member
I don’t know if this would belong to this page but this scam could affect me financially, and can affect others if they come across a scam like this while expecting a package from overseas.

So today after work I received a call from ‘Border Force’ claiming that a package for me contains illicit substances. They even had an automated voice before speaking to the person. I’m expecting packages from Amazon and from the tracking I received they started shipping from the U.S. today. I’m gathering they have information on shipments like they hacked D.H.L to gather info to phish or one of their employees uses information to try phish someone. Because it was definitely good timing. So I sillily gave them my Name, Address and Date of Birth but once they were requesting a bank account details it immediately clicked that this is a scam. She then proceeded to threaten me by saying that you will have a record under your name and then abruptly hung up. I then immediately reported it to ScamWatch.

I feel like giving them just that info is enough for them to do something bad. I don’t want all my hard work to disappear. Any Advice on what I should do next would be appreciated.

Thank you.
@dk63 You are fine, these thing are run like a business, they won't waste their time trying to punish you for no money, they will spend it trying to scam someone else.

Generally speaking if anyone calls you make them tell you what your name is and where your address is (i.e. they called you, they should be confirming your identity not you). Or hang up and google their company and call that number (instead of calling them back).
@carebear47 Or if they won’t do this (because banks and other respectable businesses won’t) you can tell them an incorrect address and date of birth and see if they pick up on it.

If they don’t, you have a scammer.
@carebear47 Haha! Yeah after that ordeal I was like border force would already know my personal details, I was like to myself what an idiot. It got me stressed heaps. They called via a mobile phone number as well I should have thought that it wasn’t legit but they got me with the start of the call and the fact that I have a package being shipped at this moment.
@dk63 They called me twice last week. I told them I work for border force and they hung up. Id keep a keen eye on you bank accounts for a while mate (like you should anyway…)
I told them I work for border force and they hung up

Haha I do the same when I get the ATO version of the scam call, and I actually do work for the ATO, so I’ll mention to the caller, oh I work for the ATO too, what department are you in and your office number, maybe it’s easier to chat directly over our office phones. Abrupt hang up :p
UPDATE: I believe the same scammer sent a text stating delivery issue with a link attached. 🤔
@dk63 Actually I do, still waiting for it. My mum overseas sent me something for the kids.

But I also know that if I get a call with a robotic voice saying something about border forces, crime, tax, debt, and shit like that then it is 100% a scam.

If it is real and not actually a scam, and my mum did hide some cocaine in the parcel, then whether I answer the call or not will not change a thing. Law enforcement will find me, right?
@dk63 I don't think they are being too smart about this. I reckon they spray and hope. Got to be something like 1/20 or so people have recently ordered something from overseas
@dk63 Yes. Don't you know that Escobar handed himself in after receiving a sternly worded letter containing lots of "we're very disappointed in you"
@dk63 I think you will be fine. Don’t stress too much. Maybe just keep an eye on your credit rating (you can do it through credit savvy) to make sure nothing is opened in your name, and as someone else said, keep a close eye on your bank accounts.

I doubt they can do too much damage with what they got, though.

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