saving money while moving out tips?


New member
i made a post here long ago abt moving out out of abusive home but i still haven’t got the courage to do so and the rental crisis is crazy in australia. i still have the offer to move in w my mates family and contribute to the rent, but going thr some personal problems rn. i just wanted to ask about some tips on saving money and learning some financial tips as my parents have sheltered me majority of my life. what are some tips that will help me financially as i enter my adulthood alone and not make any mistakes? thankyou much appreciated
  1. Budget Budget Budget
  2. Track your expenses
  3. Take a sleep on any large purchases and maybe even make it hard for your self to spend money, so you don't impulse buy stuff. You can do this buy like not using modern super convenient payment methods, keep your wallet in your bag, don't save your card online etc. It has definitely worked for me to cut down on useless impulse purchases.
But as long as you track your expenses and make and strictly follow a budget which prioritises saving you'll be doing well. Good luck!
@rebeccascotland Spend less than you earn,
don’t fall into the buy now pay later.

Don’t listen to people who tell you that you can get rich quick doing x, y, z

Read barefoot investor or listen to the Audiobook.
@rebeccascotland Set a monthly budget and stick to it by carefully tracking and categorising your expenses. Have a look at the Barefoot Investor’s envelope method for budgeting. Think about cooking rather than eating out.

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