Save for a house or pay off student loan debt, even though compulsory payments are at 0?


New member
I live abroad, so with an IBR plan and the FEI exclusion my compulsory payments to my 90k in student loans are at 0. At the moment, my wife and I have a fair amount of money saved up, and are thinking about looking for a house, but this lingering debt which will only get higher with a 6.5% interest rate is weighing heavily. I have been thinking about whether or not it would be better to shave off a chunk of the debt, rely on the FEI loophole hanging on forever, save for a down payment or other savings, etc. Anyone in a similar situation or that can otherwise give some insight?
@seekinggod96 They really have no control over expats with student loans unless w2 at a domestic company if you don’t plan to return. Pretty sure I remember a ton of articles that came out before COVID about people ditching loans this way.

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