Satrix MSCI World Vs 10x Total world for TFSA


New member
Hey y'all,
I'm very new to investing so any input/advice/criticism is greatly appreciated.

I've been looking between the Satrix MSCI World ETF and the 10x Total World ETF for my TFSA (EE).

I know that Total World has lower fees and is more diverse (includes emerging markets while Msci world doesn't) but it looks like MSCI World performs a decent amount better in the same years.

So I'm thinking that MSCI World even with slightly higher fees and a little less diversification will make me more money.

Please let me know if I'm being dumb XD
@sungw Past performance does not equal future performance.

Emerging markets have underperformed in last fifteen years. No reason to expect this trend to continue.
@sungw Honestly, these are both amongst the best options available so it's much of a muchness between the two.

Pretty much pick whether you want to gamble on the developed markets or the whole world. Neither is incorrect.

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