@jesusonly42 Sorry if I sound like flexing. My company is paying even more for the same position I'm currently in. Flexing would be "Hey guys I'm making 8 million how much you are making?" I understand 8 million is not bad at all but it doesn't mean someone can't develop the skill and get more than that.
@annonguy I'm not asking my employer to give me a 50% raise. All I asked is to get to the point, what are the things I need to learn? It's just a post to seek suggestions. I'm not saying I should be paid 12m a year. It's not about my current state it's about what I can do now, so in future I can reach where I want to reach.
@gaconvn Your employer is the market, so yes, you are asking for a raise.

Anything above 10M yen is going to require more than just technical skill. There is a level of confidence you need to have, any a sleuth of other non-technical skills that will get someone to say, "wow....this guy only wants 12M yen?".

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