
New member
Hello all! I would like to ask you an advise on ETF selection. I’d like to find an S&P500 ETF with the following characteristics:
- big dimension of fund (i.e. some billions)
- physical replication
- some years of activity of the fund (i.e. at least 4-5 years)
- price per share not too high (this excludes iShares S&P 500 accumulation)
- it shall be an accumulation ETF

What I found was only IE00BJ0KDR00:

Do you have an alternative to such fund? Or is it really the only one that fulfils my requirements?

Thanks all!
@aweshum JustETF has them all.

I'd use the vanguard one if you don't want the iShares one.

It may be newer than 4 years but vanguard is not going away any time soon. They have one of the biggest funds of that kind in the world.
@jason195 If I have 200 euros (including also emerging market funds) per month to invest in a dollar cost averaging approach, a 290 euros per share ETF doesn’t work at all
@aweshum I have the ishares too, with 200€/month automated. Broker will buy fractional shares automatically (I can't buy fractional shares when manually buying).
@marie1980 Ah that’s great, as diversification/frequency to the enter is my only showstopper for iShares. What platform do you use to apply such approach?

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