
New member
Hi all. I just need help differentiating between these two.
  1. Satrix S&P500 and others from sygnia, 10x, 1nvest
  2. 1nvest S&P500 info tech
Like what is the difference between the ones in number one and two. Is it the same index? Would you add any in number one and number two in the same
@vancouverguy Cool thanks. I will look at it, i need guidance like this. There’s just too much info to read and I just don’t know where to start sometimes. Would you combine this specific etf with other s&p 500, like the one I mentioned?
@mimidi Generally, ETFs tracking the same index (like the S&P500) will have very similar performance, though there may be slight differences due to management fees, tracking errors, or specific methodologies used by the fund managers. I suggest you go and find the fact sheets and find the one with the lowest TER (Total expense ratio). I believe the Sygnia fund is the cheapest for S&P 500

For the Info Tech S&P 500, that tracks just a subset of the S&P 500 that is targeted for tech stocks. This gives more concentrated exposure to just tech. Note though that the S&P is quite heavily tech weighted already due to the biggest companies being tech companies (Microsoft, Google, Apple etc). It can be higher returns but also higher risk from concentration
@mimidi Sygnia has the lowest fees out of all the SA S&P 500 ETFs. 1invest info tech tracks the iShares S&P 500 Info Technolg Sctr UCITS ETF and it has really low fees. Would definitely invest in both.

1invets info tech would beat the s&p 500 in returns due to the growth of the technology sector.

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