S&P 500 Best and Worst, October 2017

  1. Why is it your single largest investment?
  2. How did this change your life?
I'm not an experienced investor, but my understanding is that it isn't great to be positioned in such a way that a significant change to one stock drastically affects your entire portfolio.
@not2gr8t I've had it for an extremely long time, I basically started with it when I was in high school set up by my grandparents and parents. I've since diversified a huge amount with other stocks, ETFs, and other investments, but it was always still a huge portion of my portfolio that always had great returns. Without going into details I'll just say that the last few years of returns were quite a significant amount of money.
@trying2better I hope to some day work for GE. Although I work in aerospace engineering, and GE Aviation is probably safe for the time being. They have a pretty decent hold on the aircraft engine market.

Plus unlimited vacation.
@imperius Depends on the workplace, but a couple common issues are
a) All vacation subject to manager approval, and can be blanket denied during stuff like crunch time
b) Social/unofficial expectations of not taking much vacation
c) No requirement to be paid out any unused vacation when leaving
@imperius Depends on the workplace, but a couple common issues are
a) All vacation subject to manager approval, and can be blanket denied during stuff like crunch time
b) Social/unofficial expectations of not taking much vacation
c) No requirement to be paid out any unused vacation when leaving