RSP 2023 cheques not deposited


New member
I’m rebuilding after major depression and luckily found a good part-time job and they have an RSP contribution agreement. I wasn’t sure if I qualified for disability RSP or if or how to do it since I was working on myself towards working full time again but signed with RBC in agreement that we would chat in two weeks since they were really busy and I needed to get my agreement in to my employer by the end of March. The first contribution from my employer to the bank was rejected and I confirmed with customer service that we needed to mail them instead. I emailed with my advisor that I had the correct information to mail them and asked to meet, but they kept their response only to the delivery information and confirmed it’s accuracy. My administrator started sending cheques.
I called a few times to arrange an appointment leaving a message definitely once if not twice between April and May. I had big life come up in May that impacted my health and ability to keep my attention on necessary administration, including this RSP. I can’t recall if I called again. Unfortunately life kept happening and knew I needed to check back, just couldn’t.

I got a call from my advisor on December 30th just past noon asking me if I would like to deposit my cheques before the end of the year. Turned out they had over $2,000.00 in contributions from August until December to deposit. When I asked where cheques from March to July were they said they did not know about them and to ask my administrator.
I asked them to hold off on depositing the cheques until I understood more since my administrator was on holiday. We set an appointment for today that I did not feel comfortable walking into because I don’t know what what I’m missing.

Our administrator at work is regimented and I know she had no reason to deviate from her system. I learned cheques expire 6 months after they are written, so cheques going ‘missing’ that are older than 6 months I don’t believe is a coincidence and has shaken my trust in proceed. My advisor only apologized when I was hesitant to confirm an appointment in person with her.

My confidence in myself, and fear and shame in revealing this to my employer aside..
What should I be considering in this moment? What am I not seeing?
What do advisors and banks get from me if I have a disability RSP vs a regular one?

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