RPP Pension Mess


New member
Hi Y’all! Please help.

I’ll preface this with saying I already tried to contact a tax lawyer with this problem and did the it’s-not-my-specialty song and dance and turned me away.

My situation:

I left my employer of 6 years for a new company a month ago and had to figure out what to do with my RPP. I’m a bit of an investor so I inquired with RBC and they created a LIRA for me to deposit the locked in funds from the Rpp in direct investing division. My employer sent a wire with the exact bank account number of the LIRA and all info and it never arrived. They said they couldn’t get into the LIRA for some reason so they took the funds from the wire and put it into my chequing and told me to put it into the Lira. I couldn’t find out how so I panicked and put it into my TFSA. Did not withdraw any funds.

How much trouble am I in, Reddit?

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