Root Insurance Tracked my usage on their app


New member
I recently filed a car insurance claim with Root insurance and when I spoke with the claim adjuster they informed me that I viewed their page detailing filing a collision claim a few minutes after filing my policy. Are they allowed to hold that against me?
@burpaholic2 Do you mean you bought the policy and then immediately looked up how to file a collision claim? You probably already know this but you can’t buy insurance after an accident and use it to cover the previous damage. That’s not a dumbass technicality, it’s the point of the policy. It’s also an extremely obvious and common form of fraud.
@davelew86 It sure seemed that way when he asked me about it. He said “do I have a recollection of me doing that?” I said “Idk dude I was just checking out the app.”
@burpaholic2 There's no such thing as a "dumbass technicality" in insurance. Insurance is a contract, and the you should be able to review the terms of that contract since you agreed to it.

What happened and what specific technicality do you think that they're going to use to deny the claim? It is very possible that they're right and you just don't understand insurance. Or it could be that they're up to something very wrong. I can't say at this point other than both seem equally viable based on the little I know.

But looking at the app before filing a claim is not a reason for a claim to be denied. That would be illegal in every state.
@burpaholic2 because people crack and admit to fraud when pressed even the slightest bit

if you’re telling the truth about the facts of the claim re: date, conditions, time, etc, you’ve got nothing to worry about with this claim
@burpaholic2 Then there you go - problem solved lol

Now if they say “we’re denying your claim because you looked up how to file a claim” THEN you have an actionable way to dispute that

But don’t borrow stress that hasn’t happened yet from the future. Cross that extremely unlikely bridge when you get there

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