Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

@soikeonhanh When you call again ask them to provide you with the procedure for lodging an official complaint. Then lodge the complaint.

Every time you call you are just getting agents, they can only transfer or escalate to a manager, there is no guarantee the manager will action. When you go the official complaint route they make managers do their job.
@soikeonhanh Always pay your bills with Revolut so you have full control each month. In fact, I never have money in my main account. I put it in a separate ‘savings’ revolut account and transfer it over when a payment is due. I’ve had soooo many wins doing this. From different companies trying to charge me when they shouldn’t have, to upping a price that wasn’t agreed or like you after cancelling, still attempted charges - none of which went thru for them 😆I love the calls or emails after as if they can bully me. I’ll pay when I want.
@soikeonhanh Have you tried making an official complaint on their website with the full history etc? There is generally a form you can fill out to do this.

They have a specific timeframe they have to respond with in and resolve it with (think 1 working day for response a d a week for the resolution but not sure)

Generally the regulator will ask if you have followed their complaint resolution process before they will do much.

I've helped a number of family and friends lodge a complaint with other providers for similar issues and it has always works so far (haven't had to for sky yet)
@eziel Just this morning in advice here found their complaints page. I had looked for it previously and couldn’t find it. It’s well hidden. Have filed a complaint and have gotten the standard automated email from them. Will wait and see this week what happens. But have told them congregation at the very least are what’s next.
@soikeonhanh I had to call them several times after I asked to get Internet installed by them. It turned out they could only offer me a 12mb connection so I cancelled the order. Never used the Internet. They charged me for 4 months and I had to call up each month for a refund. Absolutely useless.
@soikeonhanh I got it all refunded and then finally cancelled. This was about 4 years ago. I had to make sure to get names of anyone I was speaking to, direct email addresses etc. and then just called and called and called until I was annoying them
@soikeonhanh Firstly, log a written complaint. They have 14 day to reply. If they don't, go to comreg and report them from non reply and the reason for it. If you haven't complained directly to the broadband provider first, t
Coming can't do anything.
@soikeonhanh Yes - stop using the phone and use the WhatsApp customer servcie chat function. Go through motions and then escalate on chat . Do it early in the day - if they dont like the problem they leave you hanging for a while and if it gets to 5pm they kill the chat BUT- if you end up with ComReg etc you have a full log of everything said and how they treated you(make sure each time to export the WhatsApp chat). If they dont sort you -and they escalate you to next level up but still no joy - tell them you will be taking the log of how they treated you through the formal ComReg complaints system and watch them suddenly do their upmost ,assuming your issue is legit, to sort you out …
@soikeonhanh Before going to conreg or anyone else, fill the official complaints form they have on their website and get the reference number. If they don't call you within 48hrs, only then file a complaint elsewhere.
The point here is to prove you tried to sort out the issue with them, but they just didn't care. Makes your case way stronger if you go to comreg or small claims court. Plus, they usually address official complaint forms quite fast.

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