Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

@soikeonhanh OP they will literally fight your complaint for you after you have done all you can.

ComReg is a statutory body that regulates the electronic communications sector (ECS) and the postal sector in Ireland. ECS includes telecommunications, radio communications, broadcasting transmission and premium rate services.

I'd go to them straight away. They are fantastic to deal with it
@soikeonhanh My father had a good stubborn battle with Sky years ago. They were switching to virgin and wanted to get the things back to sky, the older boxes. Turns out for 3 years they had been charged for 3 skyboxes while only ever having 2 in the house with only 2 of the old cards issued. They accepted he never got a 3rd connection and said he would be issued a refund.

After 2 weeks of silence he began to ring them every day at 3 o'clock. That went on for over 300 days, he even got to know the staff, the calls ended "Speak to you tomorrow" from one of the reps. An absolute disaster of a company.

He knew it wasn't the poor people answering the phone they were just front office phone operators, all remained very civil. It was close to a year before he got the refund, probably spent more on the phone bill if the truth was known but it was the principal in the end.
@soikeonhanh That's exactly it, they just try and wait you out till you say fuck it. Just keep at them, get the notepad and physically write down dates, times, names, call duration and what was discussed and who exactly this this illusive "manager" is that sorts all this shite that doesn't exist. It's a war of attrition with them and don't let the fuckers win.
@soikeonhanh Go on LinkedIn, find out the names of the executives and email them with a complaint threatening the ombudsman and social media campaign. That’ll put a spring in their step to reverse the charges.
@lilethmagdelene Yeah it all depends I guess but from working in one of those hellholes before, most times it’s a laugh and a ‘sure have a look at that’ and it’s treated as if you just called in
@soikeonhanh Oh Lord this reminded me of my cancellation experience; it really needs to be standardised preferably with EU regs (like the roaming ones).

Had sky for around 3/4yrs, incl sky cinema. Realised during COVID we were just using the Q box as a glorified Chromecast and what little broadcast TV we watched was on Saorview.

2hrs waiting on the "cancellation" line to spend another 45 mins with every tactic under the sun for me to stay. Eventually cancelled, returned the box fine. Went online and forward paid my last month by card but neglected to cancel the DD. They took it anyway and eventually had to go through the bank for a reversal (which is not easy either regardless of the sepa rules they also tried everything to not to have to deal with it).

Then 6 months later the "customer retention" calls started. Each time said I didn't want to he contacted again but 48hrs later they're back. Eventually got quite pissed and made up a white lie that was going through a messy divorce etc so they're best of contacting the (ex) wife and hung up. Never heard again.

Cancelling a product/service should really be made as easy as signing up
@soikeonhanh Had this with Sky when I wanted to cancel after moving home. The message chat can be quite useful but beware of using it an hour before they close for the day, they stretch out their reply time between messages and sign off at 530 mid convo.
@soikeonhanh Email or call sky. Ask them for an official complaints reference number for this incident as you are going to comreg. They might suddenly decide to get a bit more helpful then. Regardless of if they do or not, put in a complaint with comreg
@soikeonhanh Put everything on writing and send in the post as phoning sky is next to useless. I had a six month + issue with billing at sky and wasted hours on the phone. I ended up writing two letters detailing everything and it got sorted eventually.
@soikeonhanh Sky is a company getting away with this kind of business practice for years. Constant price increases, impossible to cancel packages, keep you on hold for ages yet somehow takes seconds to upgrade.

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