Riba and Interest - Same thing or Not?


New member

I have tried to have this question asked but it seems religious scholars typically evade this question because of fear of retaliation.

Obviously we know riba is prohibited in Islam. No questions. From what I have understood is riba is asking for added value in addition to what was given.

At the time of Prophet money had intrinsic value, gold, silver, dates, rice, barley were used as currency, Then came currency that was backed by commodities. Now we have currency that is managed by Central banks.

Now Money itself is a form of interest. The central banks deliberately decreased the value of Money which we call inflation. You can also call it "Negative interest".

Usually they want the value to decline by about 2-3% every year so that people don't panic. Its like the analogy of putting a live flog in cold water and slowly bringing it to a boil. The frog does not notice a subtle change in the water temperature and gets cooked - God knows if this is true or not!

Now with the ever decreasing value of currency, is it haram to ask for more fiat currency than you gave? Is riba value for value, or is it just dealing with arbitary numbers? in 2018 price of gold was $1200 per oz now its close to $2000, so compared to gold the value of money has gone down.

Now you might say instead of keeping dollars in your bank keep gold. Well its not that simple.

(Also I understand that price of single commodity like gold can fluctuate itself, but I am using it to keep things simple)

If you would have bought gold in 2018 and sold it today you would have had to pay tax on the $800. Depending on your tax bracket that can be as high as 50% in some countries, so now you are left with $1200+$400=1600 and an ounce of gold is $2000 so you are short $400.

If you tell me I should keep it hidden from the govt that's a crime and tax evasion.

There are other complications too. They govt wont allow you to use gold as currency. Currencies all over the world are backed by the law enforcement agencies and the military.

If the governments allow free flow of money that can cause law and order and crime issues. All currencies are tracked. You cant take more than a specific amount of gold on airplanes the govt will confiscate it.

Another issues is that if you use precious metals as currency there value will skyrocket because there is limited amount in the world, it will disrupt the govts power to regulate currency.

So we cant get rid of currency and no one is allowed to introduce another form of currency. This crypto-currency stunt wont last long. Govts all over the world love these ponzi schemes because it consolidates wealth in few hands. If fewer people have money that means there will be less expenditure. Say you have a 1000 people wanting cars that a 1000 cars but if that wealth gets consolidated in fewer hands say 100 people which typically happens in Ponzi schemes and gambling that reduces demand.

As soon as govt feels threated by these crypto they will ban it. They can enforce it because they control the law.

Finally last issue - if you don't take interest, the bank will keep your money, put it in govt bonds, get interest, give you back your currency which has now less value that it was when you deposited it - they will love you for the free wealth transfer. The banks gain power this way. Wealth controls power. You become poorer. You worked hard to earn wealth and you gave it to people who didn't deserve it.

Now I have explained that

a- Money itself is negative interest

b- Gold is not coming back

c- Crypto is useless

d -You cant use any form for currency because govt controls it

e- at time of our Prophet Money had intrinsic value - now value is regulated.

e - Giving hard earned wealth to banks and made them more powerful - that's just stupid thing to do.

My humble question is why can we not make sure that the value of out wealth remains stable? is it wrong to take interest, - >pay taxes -> adjust value of our currency to consumer price index aka inflation and give the rest away.

I might be wrong - please correct me. In my opinion Currency itself is haram, it allows banks to charge negative interest. Negative interest is as haram as positive interest. If you are a part of haram system you have to use your brain and reasoning to see what God what's and do the right thing. Not preserving your wealth and letting your wealth deteriorate is not a solution.

In my humble opinion we should not look as interest and increase in number but an increase in value. If $100 buys the same amount of goods in 2000 that $1000 buys in 2100. Asking for $1000 in 2100 is not haram, in addition you have to ask for more for taxes! the number on currency is just arbitrary and Riba is asking for additional value and not just an arbitrary number ie fiat currency.

I am not an alim but I have put in some deep thoughts into this issue and I think most ulema dont really understand the depth of this problem and dont want to deal with it beacuse they will be shunned by the society.

forgive me for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors.

I would love to hear your opinions. I personally don't take interest even though over the years I have come the understanding that its not haram.
@elizarn Riba isn't just any increase in addition to what was lent. Islamic scholars have long accepted the time-value of money and completely accept the need to discount future risk. This alone doesn't embed Riba into a transaction.

Part of the issue with Riba is the isolation of risk where the lender is in a much less risky position than the debtor and that power imbalance has harmful impacts over the longer term.

You need to do a lot more reading, there are so many mistakes in this post it would be a waste of my time to go through each and every one.
@berniceann This risk part is tricky. Obviously lenders would have risk, that’s why interest rates depends on credit score of the debtor. Also, there is no incentive to lender if they can not make gains.
@chanticleera The lender does bear some risk, but very little in comparison to the debtor. E.g - you take a business loan from the bank, if you're venture fails, then the bank takes the collateral and minimised it's risk. You however have failed in your business are are left with nothing. And legally you still have a loan you owe the bank, you're still in debt.
In the event you let business venture does well, the bank wins too by profiting from the interest.

Similarly in the case of a mortgage, you default on the mortgage you are homeless whereas the bank still gets the house. And legally you still owe a debt to the bank.

Moreover, by definition, the lender is somebody wealthy already as they have the ability to lend.
What happens over time is you see a transfer of wealth to the rich and money lending class as the poor pay interest to the rich.

This is how the risks are not equally shared. A much more fairer model is equity based lending, like VC funds who take equity in their ventures and share risks with the debtor.
Moreover, by definition, the lender is somebody wealthy already as they have the ability to lend. What happens over time is you see a transfer of wealth to the rich and money lending class as the poor pay interest to the rich.

The lender nowadays are not using their own capital. They use other peoples capital.

Also the debtor is usually an LLC or other legal structure where the owners wealth is protected. If they fail in business they lose the business, they have 10 other business which they will still own as they are under a different LLC.

When the business cant pay money back, the lender gets nothing. In order to cover that hole the lender issues Interest bearing bonds. The govt buys that bonds via printing money out of thin air aka quantitative easing.

You lose value of your Fiat currency because govt has printed money out of thin air.

you pay for the failed business, while you wouldn't have made any profit. That's the definition of negative interest. negative interest is prohibited.

Obviously this is over simplification.
ky position than the debtor and that power imbalance has harmful impacts over the longer term.

You need to do a lot more reading, there are so many mistakes in this post it would be a waste of my time to go through each and every one.

where do I start? I cant find any good resources.
@berniceann why aren't there easily available resources on this topic? how come its so hidden? There are no YouTube lectures. No one talks about this. Either there are scholars who just say its haram, then there are promoters of Islamic banking and then there are liberals who just take interest without any intellectual argument.
@elizarn Because economics is a complex topic and most Muslims, including scholars aren't educated well.

Secondly, the resources are there, you aren't looking very well. I could pick up the phone and talk to experts in Islamic finance because I went out if my way to find them.
@berniceann But my point is money is not the same as currency. Lending and earning interest is not what I am interested in. Its the preservation of wealth or letting the govt steal out wealth through depreciation of currency, money printing.

Easiest way is to hoard a basket of commodities but you pay tax on selling which decreases and its impractical.

what are some practical ways to get around this issue?
@elizarn If its tax avoidance you want and appreciation of asset values, then an Islamic finance sub isn't where you'll get these answers. Talk to your accountant
@berniceann Preservation of wealth, net zero. Not talking about tax avoidance. I did discuss in my posts how govts devalue money and then the values of asset artificially looks higher and govt than charges tax on appreciation. Actually there is no appreciation of asset value in most cases. Its that the currency is depreciated by the controllers. Even then I am not talking about tax avoidance. I was questioning if Interest is impermissible or not on Fiat currency if its adjusted to inflation.
@berniceann There is equal isolation of risk with regards to the borrower in most developed economies if we're talking about corporate loans.

Assuming a corporate entities' credit rating isn't in the gutter, collateral is minimal and an LLC ends up serving as a protective measure.

The bank doesn't really care about delinquencies as much as you'd think because a tiny fraction of customer deposits are being deployed. The vast majority of it is manifested on command.

At one point the reserve ratio during covid in the US hit 0% meaning any capital being loaned out by a commercial bank was fully manifested on command.

The time preference argument IS actually apart of the reason why riba is haram.

Initially people thought it was haram because they associated it with a loan shark situation where usury rates were insane (even the US has laws prohibiting usury past 50% despite their laws being secular) but those examples don't constitute the reality of most financial transactions that are riba based.

It would be more accurate to say that charging a premium on a loan is haram because is it is unsustainable at scale (on a microlevel is can be beneficial, but that which is haram at scale is going to be haram on a microlevel - there is a hadith about this with regards to alcohol).

By unsustainability at scale I mean macro-economic fragility, extreme wealth concentration, and of course the debasement of currency - all of which are a product of allowing micro riba-bearing loans which initially seem benign and halal.

It is our nature to scale these things and once it happens you get what we have nowadays.

Adjusting a loan for inflation is a more nuanced topic though...
@unknown404 Can you explain how Islamic financial institutions differ from conventional banks? It seems like the risk profile is no different, and the mechanics are the same. That there is a cost of acquiring money for both types of institutions. An Islamic bank will typically have Muslim investors putting their money in for a return of some sort, and that money is marked up and sold to someone else who requires a loan. It is worded in a way that is structured as an 'Ijarah' agreement. However, the net effect is the same as far as the borrower and lender is concerned, all the risk is still with the borrower, the borrower pays a similar amount back in the end - so there's no net difference in either approach?
@elizarn Interest is riba and riba is interest.

If you’re asking for more money back to protect yourself from inflation, then you are only perpetrating the system. Inflation is due to increase in money supply and money supply is increased by credit creation. So riba actually leads to inflation. Therefore you cannot argue that you accept riba to protect yourself from inflation.

When you say gold is not coming back - what makes you say that so confidently? Study history for the last few thousand years and you will see that there are always cycles. The current system will end like all previous economic systems. No one can predict when but clearly what we currently have isn’t sustainable.

Gold will always have value so it’s a good way to protect from inflation. Stocks as well. Investing in the market is a good way to protect yourself from inflation. There are many halal ETFs out there.

I would also suggest Bitcoin but only invest if you really understand our monetary system. If you don’t then you’ll only be shaken out next time it drops (which it inevitably will). But I see Bitcoin as a more halal form of money than the fiat currency we use today given the way our money today is created.

P.S. I have written a number of essays on this topic and I would suggest you read them. You can check them out here.
Bitcoin and all forms of crypto currency are worse than fiat currency. Fiat money is enforced on people by the govt through Military, courts, Army.

Say you earn $100-> govt takes $25 tax->you get 75-> you pay your nanny 75-> she get taxed 15-> she gets 60-> she pays the grocery owner 60 -> they get taxed 15-> 45 goes to next person they pay tax and they cycle continues.

This tax is what the govt is taking back. With gold it will be impossible to track. With Crypto it can be tracked but then the govt will lose its power to print more crypto aka quantitative easing. Why would the govt want to give its power away? What do you think the Military/Police system is for? Its there to enforce the govt policy and will. No one willingly gives up power that's just wishful thinking. Your crypt is nothing more than a ponzi scheme. It might continue to grow in value, like most ponzi schemes.

Gold will always have value. But you get taxed when you sell gold, so you get less than what you should have.

I am interested in protecting value of wealth, No increase and no decrease.

Numbers on Currency notes mean nothing. Its the value that matters. In Lebanon now days the exchange rate is 100,000 pound to $1 or something ridiculous.

In Pakistan in 2006 $1 =60 PKR, now with $1=300 PKR. so the People in Pakistan if they dont take interest have lost 80% of their wealth! Thats just cruel and heartless to tell people not to take interest because interest is riba!

But if you dig deeper, in 2006 gold was 33,000 PKR and now its 585,000. Thats a so you could buy 1oz of gold in 2006. now you can buy only 0.17oz. A reduction of 83%!!!.

so you think someone should not take interest? that's what the govt, banks tell people. Guess whos is the real beneficiary of the system.
@evgen unless you can convince me otherwise. I have come to the conclusion that Fiat Money with its negative interest rate is 100% prohibited by Islam there is no doubt in my mind.

Now you get paid in fiat currency every month and you convert it into real money and keep it safe or Invest it. That's a way to go, but its not practical.

But if you keep fiat currency in bank and don't take interest ant don't protect your wealth and give it away via negative interest rates to greedy banks That is 100% prohibited in my opinion. You are giving your wealth away to the scum of the earth and making them more powerful.

If you keep Fiat Currency in the bank and take interest and protect the value of your wealth and give the rest away. Now I have concerns about that, that what the post is about.

I would love to hear your logical arguments. Please don't point me to other internet videos, books ect ect. Present your arguments so others and I can learn.

Please don't quote other people saying x,y,z scholars, mufti said its haram and so its haram without giving logical reasons and presenting valid counter arguments.
I would love to hear your logical arguments. Please don't point me to other internet videos, books ect ect. Present your arguments so others and I can learn.

Bit late to this thread, but completely agree on what you've stated. The currency we get paid in has negative interest baked into it, so unless you actively move every single dollar you earn into shares and other assets, then you are part of a system which is slowly eroding into your wealth. Everybody seems to be churning out classic positions which may not be relevant today. Qiyas needs to be employed here by an expert in this field to help navigate those that are concerned about wealth erosion.

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