Rewards Cards, Spend it or lose it if you leave it. a.k.a. Fine Print fracked


New member
So just ranting.

When signed up for Bright Health Rewards card (I thought great get some of my premiums back).

In the 'Member Hub' rewards FAQ, it said 'the funds are yours even if you leave the program." (I was hesitant to waste my time in the first place, but assumed too much)

Wish I could find it on Wayback, but it was behind the login and I didn't screenshot.

I read the fine print from then, and it says I have 90 days to spend.

Well, I left and 60 days later, 2/3 of what was on the card $240 was taken. "Batch Termination Sweep"

Seems terms were updated.

Either way, it's lost, and so is the hour spent figuring out how I had spent so much.

Also, I may have not spent it all had I more time, I didn't pay attention to the 'fine print'.

If I sign up for one of these fracking things, I'll just buy rice or something nice as soon as it comes in. LUL.

TL;DR: These 'Rewards' cards are not YOUR money. I have no idea how they work on health insurance end, but this experience was janky as all hell. Just kicking myself in the ass for not spending it all the first day, because I thought about it.

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