Retirement Fund :SSS P.E.S.O. Fund or Bank Money Market Fund?


New member
Hey guys, so I've been thinking about putting my money in the SSS PESO fund for my retirement fund. Is it okay or is it better if I put my retirement money in a money market fund?

Side note: I'm also thinking of putting my entire emergency fund in a money market fund. Is it advisable or should I do it 50-50 liquid cash & money market?
Ay sorry. IMO, para sa retirement nya, I guess depende sa age nya ngayon at sa risk appetite nya. Kung matagal pa naman ang retirement, sa tingin ko equity index fund na lang para max gains. Tapos para sa emergency fund, ~80k sa ATM (2 days worth of max ATM withdrawal depende sa bank x 2 ATM), tapos yung remainining emergency fund ay sa money market UITF (kasi 2 days ang withdrawal period). Yan ang setup ko ngayon. :)
@resjudicata The thing is, I have a separate retirement fund and a separate investment fund.

I prefer capital protection for my retirement fund over capital appreciation (though indexing has been in my mind lately). My investment fund though is a different matter.
@username Diversify if you can. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I'd suggest putting it in the stock market since money in the stock market is liquid as you can buy/sell stocks whenever you want and withdrawal requests can be done fairly easily (eg. a friend of mine submitted a withdrawal request to colfinancial and the amount was transferred to his account within 5 days).

You might want to look into treasury bonds and other funds. If you have a bank account, you can ask them if they have an investment product (or investment products) and then ask them about it.
@username Get a PERA account with BDO and select the equity index fund. PERA accounts are designed for retirement. Meaning it's tax-free, tax deductible, and exempted from probate.

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