Resources for single moms being dropped by Medicaid 🥺


New member
Myself and my son will be losing our Medicaid/LaCHIP benefits on 1/31/24.
On paper I make “enough” to afford private insurance, but after taxes, rent, utilities, groceries, car payment/insurance, and gas I am broke!!
I shopped around on the marketplace, but the lowest premium offered (out of 57!) was over $800! Who in the world can afford that? PLUS copayments for meds and doctor visits?! H O W ?
None of the offered plans covered my son’s meds either. He has AuDHD and NEEDS the medication to function in school. 😞
I made the silly mistake of plugging my phone number and email into an “Obamacare help site” and now I’m being bombarded by brokers hungry for a commission. It’s too overwhelming.
The clock is ticking on open enrollment, but I am still lost and so scared!!
Are there tax breaks I can apply for to get the premiums down?
Any advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated.
@knjohn1633 At $800 you're probably not receiving the subsidy. Double check your application that you didn't accidently click the wrong box anywhere. If you have coverage offered through work, you are not eligible and need to take the work coverage. If your state participated in Medicaid expansion, and you're just slightly over the limit generally you would be able to get a pretty large subsidy, so there may be an error in your application. Also, the income limit for minors is very different than adults, so if you think your son might be eligible, contact the nearest social services office.
@knjohn1633 If you are not able to take insurance then you should start taking medicines from Indian pharmacies. They don't want insurance or prescription of any kind. They themselves arrange the prescription and send it. Their prices are also very reasonable. I order my family medicines from there. Yes shipping is sometimes late but affordable.

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