Reporting and paying tax on crypto


New member
So, CRA hasn't a clue really but still wants their cut.

I have crypto gains in excess of $150k that took place over the last few years. This is in the form of simple capital gain and passive income (staking).

Since it happened over years, I have been in and out of various exchanges, some of which don't exist anymore. Most exchanges offer little in terms of reporting tools for users, not to mention most of them are not Canadian based.

As I understand it, you don't need to pay tax until it is converted to fiat...BUT it is to be calculated on each transfer of value. This means literally hundreds of trades spanning across multiple years and multiple exchanges and multiple coins. Also including mining profits in BTC and converting to other coins. I have some data that I've compiled but no where near complete data.

On top of this I have staking rewards weekly and I'm not entirely sure if the CRA knows how to treat this.

To further complicate things, my initial investment was around $7500 cad. But this includes cash investing, mining equipment purchase, hydro for mining and other minor expenses. $7500 is the offset figure from selling the mining equipment at a reduced price. $8100 would not include that sale. No reciepts. I have hydro bills but obviously it doesn't discern how much was mining. I made those calculations myself and foolishly did not save it in a spreadsheet.

So...this is quite the cluster f***. I do want to actually use my gains and pay the tax. I don't want to piss off the CRA (I have been audited for multiple years before is it's a rather unpleasant experience). I've tried using some of the tools like coinly and beartax but it still has gaps that would cause questions.

Is it possible to scrap all the data and tell CRA that it's all capital gain, bite the bullet and pay tax on all of it, what ever calculation that is...55% or whatever it is? Meaning they will get more than what it should be.

I never really expected to have this much in gains so I didn't set myself up correctly from the start. What do I do. Did I screw myself? I have not cashed out yet. I don't have a solid plan on when I will but i want to be as prepared as possible.
"As I understand it, you don't need to pay tax until it is converted to fiat...BUT it is to be calculated on each transfer of value. This means literally hundreds of trades spanning across multiple years and multiple exchanges and multiple coins. Also including mining profits in BTC and converting to other coins. I have some data that I've compiled but no where near complete data."

Canadian CPA here and Bitcoin holder. Unfortunately not with respect to the above. Conversion into any other asset is considered a deemed disposition under tax law. Therefore conversion from any crypto token to another is still considered a taxable event subject to capital gains. Example converting from Bitcoin to Ethereum or vice versa.

As for your capital gain, it is 50% on your taxable proceeds less your adjusted cost basis.

Using your figures let's round the cost basis up to $10,000 for simplicity and round down the net proceeds to $150,000. Your total profit in this case is $140,000. Under CRA rules only 50% of your capital gains of $140,000 are taxable, thus $70,000 of the $140,000 is subject to tax at your marginal tax rate.

Assuming you have no other income in the year of the tax event and live in Ontario (taking a guess) your taxes owed from crypto will come to about $15,000 netting you an after tax profit of $125,000. You can lower your tax bill if you still have RSP contribution room to add to.

Assuming you make say $80,000 a year and report the $140,000 capital gain your total taxes and deductions to the CRA will be about $49,000, of which ~$29,000 will be for the capital gain as the $80,000 pushes you into a higher tax bracket.

Two ways you can personally shield yourself going forward:

1. run your crypto & mining through a holding company (you want a proper tax accountant for this). This way you can control the personal tax obligation, especially helpful if you're a high income earner. More deductions this way as well; especially if mining.

2. Lend out your crypto and take stable coin loans. I personally use Celsius, though you could also explore using BlockFi, Nexo or

Play around with this calculator from Wealth Simple, for the capital gains field $140,000 should be a sufficient estimate for your needs.

Hope this helps. Definitely hire a CPA that specializes in tax to help you in this area; don't go to H&R block. Don't answer private DMs as well; watch for scammers.

Good luck.

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