Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

@prayingwife2015 Even though 600 CHF saved per month does not sound a lot, each penny invested will be much more worth in the long term. it is the beauty of compounding. Whether staying or leaving is stupid cannot really be answered. in the end, depends on your preferences. also, whether you'll take care of your dogs - they also need quite some space.
@prayingwife2015 if you've secured that aparment in Zurich. you made a hell good of a deal. if you are placed in rural areas, is there any chance to relocate with all your "equipment" (dogs etc.) within a reasonable time frame?
@prayingwife2015 You don't seem to get into financial pressure by staying. You can give it some months and see how it works out for you.

With the GF gone a new lifestyle will kick in soon and new options will open up for you.

Maybe you have some project that you shelved some time ago, and an additional room might come handy. Or maybe you reconnect with old friends from other towns and will have many guests over – you can even turn the extra rooms into the most amazing guest room.

Or maybe you can go bunkers and upgrade your lifestyle by putting a gym or a sauna in it? No need for a gym membership after that.

If you really need neither the money nor the space, make it a bit cozy and list it on couchsurfing. – I've met really cool people that way!

If at the end you still prefer the money over making your place a home for a great life, you can always take your time and search for something better.

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