Renters insurance issue !! Need help


New member
I am moving into an apartment 10/10 however they needed my fiancé added to the policy and my insurance said that may take 4 weeks. They will not let us move in without the actual declaration page and him on that document . Here is my question … I have renters insurance, would it be possible to just at least move my stuff in since I am covered ? There is also a clause in the lease (if I am able to move in) that allows me to have a guest stay with my there for a week (my fiancé.) anyway I’m just super frustrated because I paid for movers and we have to be out of our current location by 10/30.
@paulandrew 4 weeks? Odd. He should be covered as part of your household. I suggest he get his own policy - he'll have coverage a lot faster than 4 weeks! And until you can figure out how to combine policies, the monthly premiums really aren't much for the peace of mind and protection.

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