Renters insurance disappointment after being robbed….


New member
I was robbed of 10+k worth of stuff last week. I have AAA in Southern California. My policy covers up to 21k. They said that they only cover 1000 for electronics because it wasn’t at my actual place of residence. I was told electronics were covered when I signed up for it the policy (three computers were stolen). They then valued/depreciated everything else to only give us ~5k. Any advice on what I can do to fight this? My advice is to NOT sign with AAA!!!
@patricia1213 My uncle had this issue & advised me to make certain that I understand the policy. The policy can say $20K covers but you have to look at how they allocate the money. I had a $10K policy with over $30k in electronics. They can adjust how much allocation is to a certain category. You have to up the amount covered for electronics. If not , they’ll do u like they are right now. I don’t believe you have a leg to stand on in litigation.

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