Renter's Insurance company denied claim- is there anything I can do? Pls help


New member
I had switched to a new renters insurance company (Assurant via Geico) from my old renters insurance (American National Insurance) sometime last year.

While I was on the first renters insurance (over 2 years), I had made 2 claims- both for very small amount- which I closed from my end without any payments since the deductable was not worth it and I asked them to NOT pay me and close the claim. The first insurance promised me that since I'm closing it myself- there won't be any issues/ increase in premiums.

Coming to last month, I had to make a claim for loss/theft with my new insurance and they denied my claim last week saying that I had misrepresented that I did not have any loss/ claims in last 3 years. I tried talking to them saying that I had personally asked the old insurance to close my claims and no money was paid. But they did not budge.

So wanted to know what my options are- can I go to small-claims court or any other options for me?

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