
New member
This is not my usual account because it’s very embarrassing.

I’m currently on a Jobseekers Benefit with a medical certificate. I needed extra assistance for disability and it took ages to get sorted - months. I finally got someone just before Christmas who said “this is just back and forth for no reason, I’m granting it now”.

The issue is, I was already behind in the things I needed the disability money for - power, my lawns have to get done for me (part of my tenancy), doctors visits.

So I let myself slip into two weeks rent arrears and I paid all these bills. I let the landlord know about the first week, then paid a few more weeks and then slipped another week in there. I paid for my cat to go to the vet. And yes I pay for wifi which isn’t considered a necessity.

So, rightly so my landlords are pissed and sent me a very clear text on Friday. They want the arrears paid early this week.

What is the likelihood that Winz/Msd will cover the arrears and I pay it back? How long would this take? If I lose my accomodation it’s unlikely I can find anymore in this town.

Does anyone have experience where they fudged up and Winz helped? What did you need to do? I’m guessing all my bank statements.

Rent is $450 and I was get $490.
Now with disability I’ll get $537.

Thank you in advance!

Edit: thank you everyone! The only reason I’ve been able to survive is because I was working until July last year then I got sick - so I’m well stocked up on clothes, underwear, bedding, household things, even “pantry staples”. My car insurance is paid until April, rego & warrant all sorted etc. I don’t know how people can survive when they don’t get the same starting point I have. It’s very tough but I know I’m luckier than most.
@nicknicks I will, I have a community services card but I was having to go to the doctor 2-3 times a month. I get B12 shots and the other two are scheduled check-ins.
@apachemom Are they able to subsidize you for the checkins after? I saw you could apply for additional medical costs? Also at the doctor you can get vit c vit d and top ups of other prescriptions that may help.
@nicknicks That is part of the additional disability it’s two visits a month split out weekly. But then I’ve had to have a third one.

The disability should increase to cover my power (which is low, $60-70 a month) soon. But I doubt they’ll give me back pay for it. I got different information of what I had to provide for evidence. First it was all my bills, divided by 52 weeks. Then I got told it was the amount of power used and then they tell me how much they’ll pay. So that part hasn’t been included.
@apachemom I'm sorry they've been extra frustrating to deal with. They usually backpay rent, but its just really hard with WINZ they tend to try to do what they can to not give money.
@nicknicks I find that. If I worked there, I’d tell everyone everything they are possibly entitled to and exactly what they need to do to get it. I would probably get fired.
@apachemom I complained on the few times I've dealt with winz for a transition to work grant after redundancy from COVID because it mean reducing to living off 250 a week for two weeks and they were refusing me a food grant. I was arguing that will only cover rent and they looked for every reason not to I.e. can you let your landlord know you'll miss a week of pay and back pay later? I had to wait for senior management approval.
@apachemom All of that can be covered by your Disability allowance with proof of costs.

Your DA should also have been backdated to the date the doctor signed any forms
@apachemom All you need is a dated and signed letter/note from your landlord saying how far you are behind it doesn’t have to be a physical copy they can just send you a photo of it. Once you have that they will pay the money that day to the landlord.
@chefapple Thank you! I’m going to call msd first thing.

I have never misbehaved on the benefit before, so hopefully they’ll take pity and I’ll pay it back. I’m not going to be sick forever.

(I resist going in person because I think they decide I don’t look hard up enough.)
@apachemom I get what you mean, I feel the same. For example instead of going in and handing over the docs that are already filled out for what I should be on -(medical/disability ) I stay on jobseeker which only covers my rent and enough groceries to eat 4 days a week…. Nothing else. But I feel like such a piece of shit, and they were like that when giving me the current less amount I can’t bring myself yet to go in and deal with their shitty attitude or distainful looks when I am there to increase my payment.

Hope it works out for you today!
@apachemom How are you supposed to feed yourself, pay all your medical expenses, transport expenses, lawn mowing, electricity, water, etc, etc when you'll only have $87 left over after paying $450 rent out of the $537 you'll be getting from WINZ?

Can you squeeze a boarder in to where you're living? You can have 2 boarders and it won't affect your benefit.
@patdog122482 I’m in a unit and I do have a second very small bedroom. It’s not something I’ve ever had to think of before but nothing is off the table. I’d have to pass it through the landlords and they might not be happy. They credit checked me and all sorts when I moved in. (I was working at the time).

I’m hoping to get better and get some part time work that’s under the threshold. That’s my only hope.

My brother gave me a fuel card for his business so I can put petrol in my car. He also sends me fruit and vege boxes he orders from the South Island. I’ve got nectarines at the moment and apricots come soon.

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