Remember 23rd March? A Year Later

@pushkin Nice portfolio bro. Can you share your personal journey on how long did it took to get to this large corpse. From how long have you invested and your investment strategy.(SIP, lumpsum, mutual fund or stocks?). Do you own a business or have fixed salary like some of us?
@theopalcross I have a business.

I started buying mutual funds immediately after I started my business, and moved to buying stocks directly after a few months. I manage my and my wife's portfolio at the moment which is entirely in stocks. Some of the stocks I own like AAPL and MSFT date back to 2011 and 2012.
@crixus123 I had parked money some specifically to deploy systematically in a crash like this. Unfortunately it was in FT-UST. Still so frustrated about that.
@azula Same pinch. Major amount got stuck with FT. Lost an opportunity of a life time because of FT. But had invested closer to 3 lakh by then which has given handsome returns.
@crixus123 Had started investing only a couple of years earlier and had an equity:debt ratio of 20:80. Portfolio had come down to under 1% gains, but did not go into negative. Set my goals to really long term and adjusted the SIPs to do 70:30 from April. Checked the portfolio only once in a few weeks. Things worked out well i guess.
@crixus123 it's wise to act dumb in equity investments. Cancel out all the market noise and continue investing for long term. plain and simple, apparently not so easy to do.

Watch out for only one thing: your own overall asset allocation. (debt v's equity v/s whatever-floats)
@crixus123 I stayed invested , I watched my portfolio go down by 6.8 cr. I used some of my liquid buffer and fixed income to add between June and November .
@crixus123 I am one of those fortunate who did not lose a steady income during this time. I'm glad I did not let the crash affect me. I continued to make my monthly SIPs without worrying too much about the reds on my portfolio.
The low averace purchase cost on my investments thank me today.

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