Rejected for life insurance due to elevated AST...should I even bother applying elsewhere or wait?


New member
Hi all. 33 male here. I was just rejected for life insurance and was hoping for some thoughts around what my chances might be like for getting approved with a different company.

I unfortunately had abnormal AST liver enzymes during my life insurance physical exam (65 for a normal range of 0-33 @reina85), but my ALT was normal (28 in a normal range of 0-45 @reina85). All my other markers were perfectly normal, including ALT, Glucose, Cholesterol, etc. etc. But my AST was elevated, most likely because I had a few strong beers a couple of nights before my exam on the weekend (it was scheduled on the Monday after).

I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on whether it might be a good idea to apply elsewhere? I've had many labs and physicals done both before and after this problematic one, and all my enzymes and markers (including my AST/ALT) have been perfectly fine.
@xajmaht1 Are you taking any supplements like Creatine or vitamin packs, herba-life, drink a lot of energy drinks or something like that? I have had clients in the past who had abnormal scores, got off the supplements for 3 - 4 weeks, retook the exam and all was fine with new carrier. If a new lab comes back high, then this is really a discussion for you and your doctor to find out the underlying issue.
@throby Thanks a lot, yeah - for me, I think it was most likely the alcohol. I made a stupid decision and went out for dinner the weekend prior to my exam and had a lot of beers. I didn't realize that it would have a lasting effect on my liver enzymes for a couple of days. I've had tests in the months prior to my life insurance exam and my liver enzymes had always been normal, and also after my life insurance exam where they were normal as well. Hoping to take my chances and apply for a new provider, but I am worried that they will see this result and my rejection in my file, even though it was with another company.
@xajmaht1 Just talk to your agent. If you have normal labs after that last one that is good. Just submit a new app, take a new exam, hold back on the beers. The underwriter may want more info on the app, but just let them know that the last labs were "inaccurate" and the follow up labs were normal. IMO, should not be an issue.
@xajmaht1 Have you seen your full labs? Was your HDL high, how about GGT, did they run a CDT or HAA. Have you had a DUI or other addiction history? Something isn’t adding up or that company is really conservative.

AST>ALT is suspicious for alcohol but those aren’t declinable levels. I would reapply somewhere else if that sole abnormality is your only ‘red mark’.
@xajmaht1 I'm skeptical that you were declined solely because of that and would talk to the agent a bit more. Ask him to reach out to the underwriter for a more detailed explanation.

I'd also talk to your doctor. He's in a better position to tell if your rates were high because you had a few strong beers or something more serious. He can also tell you what kinds of foods or drinks would be contributing to your high levels.

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