Registering for tax as a permanent resident


New member
For context, I’m a foreign national in South Africa, and received my first ever ID book as a permanent resident today, having received the PR around 6 months ago.

As soon as I received PR status, I started working as a sales agent. I’ve been paying 25% of my earnings into my company’s trust as a type of provisional tax, with the intention of paying it over to SARS once I had an ID number to register.

I did attempt to register with SARS using my foreign passport number, but efiling would not issue me with a tax number, despite uploading supporting documents.

After receiving my new ID number today, I tried to sign up for e filing and the ID number is not associated with a tax number.

I can rock up at the SARS office but last time I went, they turned me away for not having a booking. I can’t make a booking without a tax number.

Can anybody advise me how I can go about acquiring a tax number?
@nerrawg Sorry to hear you are struggling with this. It's weird, I've had a tax number on a work visa for 7 years without any issues. I got it online, so it's definitely possible. Have you tried what taxtim recommends? They're my go-to for any and all tax related issues. I also file through them.\~:text=Or%20you%20can%20request%20it%20online%20by%20visiting%20the%20SARS,click%20on%20%22Contact%20Us%22.&text=SARS%20will%20send%20you%20your,eFiling%20or%20at%20a%20branch.

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