Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) - Are these covered in my work benefits?


New member
I'm wondering if I were to work with a Psychotherapist who has their "Qualifying" status, would these be covered under my insurance benefits as a licensed Psychotherapist?

Technically, this therapist is able to work autonomously, but must still seek supervision with a psychotherapist who has been practicing autonomously for 5+ years.

I asked my insurer but I wasn't able to get a clear response!

@amyln Depends on if your plan covers it. Most would not, but trend over the last few years is to have this included as a covered practitioner. It would use up the same allotment as your psychologist benefit. If not covered, you should ask your HR if they could include it. Typically this can be added in with no additional cost to the plan. You’re employer can ask their broker to have this added in.

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