Recommendations and suggestions required for my 3 - fund ETF portfolio


New member
Hello fellow Redditors,

I am, 30, based in Luxembourg and I am building by portfolio through Interactive Brokers.

My asset allocation : 55% U.S Market , 30% International (Global) Market and 15% Bond Market

I have finalized on the following:
Still contemplating:
What are your opinions on my overall portfolio?
Which Bond ETF should I select? Is there a better option out there that I have not listed here?

What should I be concerned about if I live in EU and buy stock/shares from London Stock Exchanges ?

Thank you all in advance!
@jan800 As a European investor you don't need a three fund portfolio because USA and ex-USA are available in a single fund such as Vanguard FTSE All-World or SPDR MSCI ACWI IMI.

For bonds you can use Vanguard Global Aggregate Bond EUR Hedged or ishares Global Aggregate Bond EUR Hedged. Assuming that your local currency is Euro, it's good for the bond part of your portfolio to be hedged.

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