Recieving a large sum of eur into wise bank account


New member
Good morning gentlemen

This week i am gonna receive around 200 k Eur into my wise acount(sold a property)

Being a user of wise for the last 4.years..many transfers were made and also receiving my salary here in germany and had 0 issues with them

I did upload the selling contract to their document site so i hope everything will go easy peesy but as its a large sum i am getting a nice case.of paranoia

Any smooth or catastrophic experiences to share?

Edit: everything went smooth as nothing was frozen or delayed

smooth sailing at wise👍

thank you for all quality advices
@p90xcoach Ladies are on here too ;) Not just gentlemen.

When I received a large sum (USD) they requested proof of funds. Sounds like you did that too.

Other than that no real issues. But as others have said it’s not a bank. Keep the money elsewhere and just use wise for currency conversion.
@p90xcoach I transferred a few hundred k GBP through Wise when I moved countries, zero problems and I would do it again. Unclear whether you're planning to do that or keep it in Wise, which I wouldn't do.

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