Received an additional W-2 for $8.60 after I filed my taxes


New member
So i usually wait until the last minute to do my taxes but this year I got my W-2 from the company I interned with in 2020 & I decided to immediately file. A few days later I received a w-2 for an on campus job that I only worked an hour in all of 2020. Is it worth it to re-file for $8.60?
@futaba Had a similar situation with amounts similar to yours. In a fit of honesty, I refiled about 2 or three weeks after my first filing. The primary result was to delay my refund by about 4 months because having two returns filed in this way triggered all kinds of fraud- prevention procedures. If I’m ever in this situation again I’ll wait for my refund to arrive then amend to pay them the $3 additional I owe. And yes, this was a 1040 and a 1040X.
@futaba Should you? Yes. Is it worth it? No. You’re not going to get flagged for missing $9 in income on your return. The IRS won’t waste their time with that either.
@futaba How did you file your 2020 return? IIRC, the IRS isn't accepting e-filed returns until mid-February, so if you used something like TurboTax / FreeTaxUSA t may be possible to "pull back" your return, make the corrections, then re-submit.

If that's not an option, then sure you could submit an amended return (1040X) including the info from that W-2, but you do have to wait until your original is fully processed. And I think I've heard that you can e-file amendments starting this year, previously you had to do it by mailing paper copies.

Practically speaking, there's a pretty small chance it'll matter. Your tax bill is generally not directly calculated, it comes from a big lookup table based on your filing status and the "taxable income" number from your 1040. Most of those are in $25 or $50 chunks, so if this extra $9 doesn't move which block you're in, it has zero effect on your tax bill.

There's also a decent chance that once all your tax forms (including this W-2 you missed) makes it to the IRS, they'll catch that difference, automatically account for it (both owed tax and any withholding from the W-2), and just send you an adjusted refund. Small errors like this are not really a big deal. If your return was missing tens of thousands of dollars of unclaimed income, that'd be more of a potential problem.
@jasun Yes I used free TurboTax. I went to their website but it looks like it’s in a sort of limbo waiting to be submitted; I don’t think I can pull it down, edit it, and resubmit.

This is good info though, thank you. I will wait and see once my return is processed.
@futaba You should report it, but if you have to amend, it will probably cost you something. See if you can alter your return before it's submitted since IRS isn't even accepting returns yet.
@futaba I'm kind of a stickler but $8.60? Even I would ignore this and see if IRS bothered to send me a letter. If they do, you might owe as much as $3 in tax and penalties. At which point you can mail it to 'em in pennies (kidding)
@futaba Go ahead and do an amended return. You don't want the IRS coming back and say you owe thousands in back taxes over $8.60. It seems extreme, but it has happened.

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