Received a letter from an insurance company regarding possibly being a beneficiary and not sure if it's legit


New member
Please delete if this is the wrong group, or please point me in the right direction.

I received a letter from an insurance company regarding a Long Term Disability claim. It notes that the claimant passed, and that forms and documentation need to be filled out to see if I'm a beneficiary (?).

The claimant is my FIL, who passed away earlier this year, leaving no will. I have no idea if probate has been filed. Besides my husband, there are 2 other siblings, though my husband has not received a similar letter.

What gives me pause is that a W-9 form was included and I am extremely reluctant to give such personal information out.

Another thing is that the 'signature' is just a first name and the initial of the last name.

Is this a standard way life insurance claims work? Forgive my ignorance since our own policies were drawn up when we first married.
@seeker747 Call the company by looking up their number independently. Then verify everything with them directly.

Insurers have an obligation to pay claims to their rightful owners/beneficiaries. As such they try to find the rightful beneficiary.

They have all kinds of tools through companies like LexisNexis that link associated people and families though common addresses and phone numbers. They’ve probably used something like that to find you as a connection to your FIL.

If you don’t respond the money will be sent to the state treasurer as unclaimed funds in 24-36ish months.
@tabinek Thank you! We're several states away from the rest of my husband's family and therefore assumed that the son living 10 minutes from my FIL already started probate.

I'll start making calls in the morning, thank you again.

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