
New member
Currently I'm in IPTS. One semester cost about 8k. Im at my end wits. I didn't apply for ptptn, and my dumbass thought I could personally cover it. I paused for a year (bank dry up, pause to work to fund my study).

I decided f it, might as well go for ptptn n my permohonan was declined because I pause for a year. Im at my ends wit, what should I do? Should I apply for bank student loan? Any advice?

I'm studying at Penang, Bumiputera, Malay. One more year of college.
@tru_telr Undergraduate programs?

Short term options is to apply for some incentives/help from Zakat, Baitulmal, local area YB and Yayasan negeri (loan or small one time allowance).

Long term solution, you may opt to work part time while studying, or ask parents to support if they can afford it.

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