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I'm in the process of financing a home, went to as many banks as possible for the best rate. The best so far is prime -0.8. I don't think its bad, but it can be better. What is the best rate I can realistically get. Bond is for R2.5m
@bradleycox Take the best offer to your current bank and ask them to beat it or you'll switch banks, works every time. Got - 1.13 a month ago after getting -0.65 initially , the other banks offer was - 1.1 lol.
@aleena That was the plan, but the bond originator feels strongly that she can get a better rate just doing her thing. I think she was annoyed that I went directly to a bank in the first place. I think they aren't allowed to get a second quote from a bank you already applied at.
@bradleycox We got prime -1.42%
Standard Bank gave us an extra - 0.33% off just because I opened a bank account with them.
The best I heard of from my bond originator was prime —2.5%
@bradleycox We only got this because our term was 20 years.
If we wanted 30 year term they would have dropped the percentage I suspect. It also depends on your credit score, and how much of a bond you are requesting, and how much of a deposit you are putting down.
@bradleycox The best out there depends hugely on your personal situation, the property and risk profile. 0.8 might be your best, or it might not but you can't use someone random as a bench mark.
@rr1111 Bond originators usually mean you get a worse rate, given that the value chain has an additional node…I would go each bank individually and see what the best rate they can give you is.

Prime less 0.8 is not bad at all though in this climate. You can also negotiate remember that!
@bradleycox You should take the best rate to the other banks and negotiate a new rate.

The best rate I've heard of is prime minus 2%. If you work for the bank i think its prime minus 5% or something generous like that.

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