Re: the importance of getting all benefits you are eligible for..

@jacobw Yeah the SSA took away my SSDI and decided I now owe them $40K (and rejected my overpayment waiver request). So yeah I'm finally actually seriously reliant on SNAP and these other benefits. Really grateful to live somewhere with these options 🙏

Hopefully some folks can learn from my mistakes and be in a better position going forward. If I had been collecting all these benefits all along I wouldn't be so hard up right now. (Edit: I wish they had a service to refer you to all these when you first get get SSDI or SSI.)

The welfare cliff is so damn real though omg. Not to mention the disability tax on top!
@sherina The program is called "PIRP" in my state (NY) - Premium Insurance Reduction Program. You take a 6hr defensive driving course that costs $25-$30 (online or in-person) and you get 10% off your car insurance for 3yrs. You can take it every 3yrs I believe. It also reduces points on your license if you have any. Does anyone know if other states have this kind of program too?
@codygm Our library cards which give museum passes are $100 if you don’t live in the city limits. BUT the museum has one free day a month so whatever month that falls on your work off day you can go. Several museums/zoo/aquariums have cheap admission with a SNAP or Medicaid card.
@codygm This is an honest question but how did you guys find out you qualified for benefits? I’m barely scraping by yet I’m considered to be making “too much”
@shanan The only way I found out for each one was by reading eligibility criteria and applying! You can't be approved if you don't apply. And yes it's fucking time-consuming to go down the list one-by-one to apply for each individually. But trust me it's worth it to get whatever you can.

I have zero income right now so it's quite simple for me, but if you need to do evaluations on how much you make monthly then you may need to read how they count income. For instance Medicaid has spend down procedures to count your health costs against your income making it so you could potentially qualify if you had an inflated gross income and high health costs.

SSA requires you to count "earned income" only - not passive income or money earned from PTO etc.

Each organization has its own requirements 🫠 Start today! You have nothing to lose by trying.
@codygm For the parents/caregivers out there who are poor and struggling with childcare: contact your local Early Learning Coalition.

They help cover the costs of childcare. I have ELC and pay $54/week for my son in VPK with extended hours and $12/week for my daughter in 1st grade to go to a before/after school program.

If you qualify for SNAP/Medicaid, you most likely qualify for ELC funding.

Edit: Also, I think Walmart now offers a discount on their subscription for snap users?
@joefaith Amazing info here! I'm not a parent but will definitely pass this along to any friends in poverty who do have kids. Thanks for sharing!

Edit: Also on the topic of caregivers, I know in my state (NY) you can be paid to take care of family members if they meet certain eligibility criteria (whether it be through Medicaid, the VA, or the Office of Aging).
@codygm You should not have to resource hunt. If you file taxes, the state and federal government know your income and expenses and dependents. They could literally seek you out and get you connected with the programs you are eligible for. Thus is designed to keep people from utilizing it. So sick of it. Anyway, enjoy it!
@blackdolphin What's worse is the federal government was giving me my income for the last 7.5yrs. I was on SSDI til recently. They certainly knew how much I was making. The hoop jumping is so ridiculous! Agree with you completely 💯
@codygm Walmart+ ALSO has the discounted membership (6.99/mo) for individuals on Medicaid or SNAP which saves the stress of the store, comes with free Paramount+ (A MUST for anyone on benefits who escapes into a Star Trek series, Nickelodeon, Etc.)

AND I can use my “healthy food” Medicare Advantage credits through W+ with free pickup orders / free shipping depending on the time.
@caughtintherye Ahh that's awesome - thanks for sharing!

I miss having Medicare! My Medicare Advantage plan came with 14 free frozen meals a month (think Meals on Wheels type service) from our local ILS (Independent Living Service) org. I really relied on that but it wasn't lactose-free ahaha. My MA plan also came with free Silver Sneakers for gym membership access to YMCAs and other gyms nationally. I miss those benefits the most! And the monthly OTC credits.

Oh well. Life goes on. Maybe I can go back to work someday and be able to have Medicare again in "retirement" haha. I don't currently have enough work credits but there's still time I guess!

Great tips 🙌
@codygm Medicare Advantage is AMAZING for people who have “Dual Eligibility” because it opens up access to dental benefits and vision. The YMCA benefit, the OTC credits, its been amazing. If you are a QMB it is FREE.

The biggest concern for most individuals is that you have to go through UHC pre authorization, but if you know how to deal with insurance, it isn’t that much work.

I get $3500 towards dental work through United Healthcare and it has allowed me to get abscesses teeth removed that have been rotting for a decade, and may assist with getting the implants too if I have any funds left at that point…if not, fingers crossed they keep that benefit for next year, because I would love to have working teeth again,

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