R.I.P. Inflation: The data point the Fed watches for inflation just said there isn't any

@heartache This is unrelated to the topic at hand but those things are outrageously horrible. I didn't know that the definition of a taco extended to some unidentifiable goo between two pieces of corn chip you found under the couch. I suppose I was misled by the pictures on the sign.

I'm no food snob, but good lord.

Disclaimer: The only time I had these was in 2013. Maybe the extra 29c has allowed them to up the quality since then. I doubt it.
@dancingstream Technology has allowed supply to grow at a rate not heard of anytime before in history. Meanwhile the older generations, the ones with money, don’t spend as much relatively speaking as the younger generations. Young people have too much debt/food/gas/housing obligations to be able to have much to offset the waning demand from the older end of the population pyramid.

Demand and supply of capital is strong still due to cheap money. But none of this matter if the underlying economy does not generate the demand to warrant investments.

I believe the inflation metrics needs to be looked at again. A basket of goods relevant to each age group needs to be created in my opinion. Purchasing patterns between 18-30, 30-50- and 50+ people are all different. Regional inflation also should be looked at.
@dancingstream Most people don't understand that the Fed has the mandate to monitor inflation country wide, not just their city. Sure if you're living in Soho and see prices increase 2x every year, you'd be shocked by this report. But plenty of mid west and east coast regions experience mild growth.

Wage growth has just recently picked up countrywide

Housing prices are already declining in developing markets

Business spending is beginning to slow down domestically and consumer confidence is stagnating nationally.

These factors all combined together demonstrate the Fed's dovish view. Now if 80% of Americans lived in urban centres, then yes, the Fed would view inflation ramping up, but its simply not the case.

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