Quitting My Amazing Job (Am I insane?)

@lyonap if its mental wellbeing thing… abit hard to judge, u know how much stress u can and cannot handle

from financial perspective, got income sure better than no income and u didnt really have info for whats next, so also hard to comment

overall i dun think anyone can give realistic n constructive feedback here, looking at the limited information
@lyonap People will advise you to make safe decisions because that's how they are wired. Don't make your decisions based on money, it's good that you feel you've hit your ceiling and want change. That means you want GROWTH.

Be random and follow your heart. Sometimes we don't get everything right but there is no real wrong. Life is an experience and I've learnt that choosing happiness and satisfaction is key.

Do what you love, the kind of job that even if you worked for free you would be happy.
@lyonap Honestly, and this is just a thought, quit your job and take a break. Use that break to reorganise your priorities. Talking from my own experience, before I was only earning 3K and had a miserable job with long work hours and unrewarding benefits. I started to question my life decisions and in the end took the leap of faith to resign without a job. I took 6 months off. Now, I'm working a job with monthly pay >10K with a much more balanced work life.

You seem to be at the point where you're questioning the purpose of your work. This is a sign to take a step back to re-evaluate your life thus far and plan for the next step.

Again, these are just my thoughts. Feel free to do with it as you see fit.
@lyonap 8-9 months emergency fund is not enough to quit without another job lined up. If you plan to take a holiday it will eat into the fund as well. Just apply elsewhere, take one month off once you get an offer and go for your trip to destress.
@clarencia I once had a 12 months severence after being laid-off. Took my time to find a job as I had good emergency funds to sustain, by the 5th month I had panic attacks as job market was cruel - never be too sure 🤣
@lyonap You are not insane, you just dont have the right skill set.

You have to have the skill of how to survive at your workplace. The skill of letting go. And many other skills.

The 1st few years of your working life, you work hard. Because you lack experience, you learn, you execute etc. From there you gain more experience ask for more pay because you contribute more.

But as you already know it is not mentally healthy and not possible to give 200% of your attention to work. Which is why i say you need new skill set. You need to set what is realistic to you to achieve. Company target will forever go up, never down. If you own the company, you do the same. That's just part of life. If someone else is willing to give 200% ok la, he deserve to get promoted twice in a year or whatever. You have to recognise that person is not you now and you have nothing to jealous because he did what you could not. Just how life is.

You are a performer, having you working 100% will still be better than the company hiring a new guy who can give 120%. Retrain, hiring time etc. Maybe the new guy is stupid but hardworking, the list goes on.

You say you hardcore in picking up the call on the shinkansen? I say you stupid in picking up that call. The company wont runtuh just because you didnt join that call. I am sure it wont. If it does, the company cannot be the taikor in the industry.

Yes looking for a new job is an actual solution. But learning how to set realistic goals and workload is a important skill that you can carry to your next job. Because your next job, the next company also have crazy KPI and what not.

Learn how to say no. Or learn how to say, i'm sorry, i really cant do this in time, but i can do this 3 days later.

It is like learning how to ride a bicycle, you dont immediately get it right the first time. Keep practising...
@lyonap Seems like a Leo Burnett or Ogilvy type of job. There is no end to the grind in these marketing/ad houses. You could easily go in-house marketing for the same pay (or higher) and have better work life balance.
@lyonap The stress and KPI doesn't get better as you progress up the ladder.

The only way is to get out of the rat race by starting your own biz, or going to a less demanding company (which usually pays alot less)

But to be honest your pay doesnt seems very high for a leading company in the industry. 6k is barely assistant brand manager level at a fmcg MNC

It might make sense to job hop for a 30-40% pay rise to make the stress worthwhile
@lyonap If it was me, I would have something lined up before making the move because grass is always greener but the right opportunity is hard to find. You could easily end up joining a place you hate and regret leaving.

You're also 28, now it's the time to be working hard and climbing. I don't recommend you stay there forever but while things are good you should aggressively work your butt off in the environment where you're soun already doing well.

One thing though it sounds like you need a vacation. I think how you feel about your job is more about burn out than job dissatisfaction. So my recommendation is have the talk with your manager. Tell him or her that you enjoy the work and all the things you like but ultimately you are feeling exhausted and burned out. Work out a plan to take a long vacation and disconnect. If when you return you feel you are not happy, then start looking. If manager gives you push back, also start looking. I think doing this step will help you really understand what needs to change.
@lyonap It sounds like you're on the verge of experiencing burnout (if not already). Maybe what you need is a vacation to recharge before you make any drastic decisions. Also, this will give you some time to reevaluate your career path and plan ahead before you take that leap.

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