@reebs Depending on how nice your boss is, maybe you could talk to them and come to a mutual agreement to have the 2-months shortened to a one-month notice. That way, you won't have to pay.

Maybe try to be diplomatic. You could say something along the lines of, hey actually I am free to leave since the contract expired, but since I understand that you need time to find a replacement and maybe if they join earlier I can help to train them, you could maybe turn the situation into a win-win
@reebs When you want to terminate a contract, it’s either you serve the notice or pay in lieu for those months you don’t serve. If you don’t want to pay, wait till the contract lapses.
@unkabenz Thanks for your advise. Why does my boss push me to send resign with 1month notice. Can i just let the contract expire although the is renewal part in my contract of employment
@reebs idk, just talk to your boss. The renewal part in your contract has this clause (d) By mutual agreement, so if you don't sign you're totally fine man

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