question from a gen z about to turn 26 😭


New member
Hello, I’ll cut right to the chase. I’m about to turn 26 (boot from parents’ health insurance) and I’m getting ready to move temporarily out of state (CA) for 1 year but plan to claim permanent residency where I live now (FL). Would I even be able to get health insurance through my job in CA if my permanent residency is in FL? Thank you!
@pjfl Through your job? Yes, You should be able to get a California plan. It just may not be good in Florida- it depends on the network of the California plan(s) you're being offered.

You'd run into trouble if you didn't move your residency to California and wanted a Covered CA (Cali's site) or Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid) but through your work, you should be fine.

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