Question about the insurance check


New member
Hello. Some things, Google doesn't really have an answer for, so here I am wondering if anyone knows the answer to this.

My (30f) house had a flood. A dishwasher connection broke and flooded 2 floors of my house. I called a restoration company, and they took measurements, removed debris, set up fans to dry, but because I have a split level with continuous flooring all the way through, the whole house needs replaced flooring. I just had them done 2 years ago. 🥲

After the restoration people left the fans in my house for a week, they came and got them. My insurance sent me a check but they only covered every other floor of my house... the two they didn't cover are single room stories but it's an open concept, you kinda have to do it all 😅 how do I go about making sure insurance covers the other 2 floors also?

Next: after the restoration company saw my insurance only covered 2 floors they said they didn't have time to negotiate with my insurance and pushed me to another company. The company they pawned me off to has been awful at communicating.

I'm considering doing the flooring replacement myself. Is there any reason I couldn't? The 2nd company has been "with me" for over a month and is just now getting in contact with me. I signed a contract with both but the first company pawned me off, and the second has only taken measurements and then they dissappeared for a month.

I am pretty confident in my ability to do the contractor work needed to put my own floors in. I watched the guy do it 2 years ago and can watch a few YouTube videos. I am great at math and measuring. Is there any reason why I can't cash this check from insurance and just do the floor repairs myself?
@campos Did you ask the insurance company about the amount they gave you and why they only covered that portion of the flooring? What did they say? It's unlikely that they would pay to replace the flooring in your entire home. You can probably find something to match the portion that wasn't damaged.

As far as doing the work yourself, you are welcome to do it, but you may still be stuck paying the contractors anyway. You need to read the contract you signed and find out exactly what you agreed to.
@campos wait - hold on a second. You have flooring that’s impacted but it could extend to baseboards, wall paint, and beyond. I had a small water leak, the restoration company tore out my floor and cut out a part of a cabinet. What started at 10,000 has more than multiplied by 8x’s this amount plus more.

If I were you I would strongly suggest you reach out to a public adjuster. They generally have to have certifications and can only represent you. Attorneys in CA refer homeowners to them frequently. They should come out and at least assess your situation and tell you what the insurance company is responsible for paying… they can get involved too if you choose on a contingency basis but only if they think your claim will yield more money than you can get on your own (not because you’re not legally entitled to it but because the insurance company will screw you intentionally)

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