Q: Working for Dutch company, resident in France. Any experience with TFE?

Hello, hope this is ok to ask here.
I'm an EU citizen and am currently working for a Dutch organisation on a permanent contract and living in The Netherlands. Next month I am relocating to France and plan on living there. My Dutch employer is willing to keep me on my current contract but as it's a small organisation, I need to figure out how best to do that myself. I've found that there's a possibility of using the Titre firmes étrangères (TFE). Has anyone had any experience using this? Is it feasible for me to take care of all of this myself or would it be better to get an accountant / lawyer on board? Thanks in advance!
@bshroats5 Thanks for your reply. If I want to stay employed with my current employer for a longer period of time it seems like contracting/EOR is not sustainable and can cause some issues along the way. Just a PSA that registering as a TFE (foreign company) and working with a payroll company in France is probably the best option in a situation like mine.

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