Q: US Citizen moving to Ecuador on Investment Visa using Ecuador CDs. Does my plan sound viable?


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Question about Ecuador CDs 🇪🇨
I would appreciate any critical thoughts and insights to my plan below. Thank You.

I am leaning towards selling my Austin TX home. My net will be about 400k. I am 55 and thinking of moving to Ecuador to take advantage of the LOW cost of living. My body has major joint and vertebrae issues and l need an easier life at this point. I am single with no kids.. The investor visa requires $40K in a CD at the central bank for 2 years to obtain the visa.. I am also thinking of purchasing other CDs at different banks and co-operatives. The currency in Ecuador is the American dollar.

The SECURED percentage rates range from 8.5% to 10.4%...YEARLY, with interest being paid out monthly if requested at set up. Each account would be insured up to 32k. Some cooperatives pay up to 15%..., CREA bank is paying 9.4%. .. Accounts are insured up to 32K per account holder per institution so l would distribute to different institutions up to the 32k except the mandatory 40k visa requirement account.. Roughly l would be making close to $38-40k a year on interest from these CDs. I can EASILY live on this interest amount in Ecuador, as l live very modestly and live essentially on that in the states now. As l understand it, if the CDs are left for one year minimals...there is no Ecuadorian tax levied on these.

Does this sound like a viable plan?
What am l not thinking of?
What woukd be your concerns?

Thank you
Accounts are insured up to 32K per account holder per institution

As far as I've read, 32k seem to be the maximum TOTAL insured funds, no matter how many accounts you use. There are also some concerns regarding how reliable is their insurance guarantee if there is a major issue. After all, unlike US FDIC, Ecuador cannot just rely on printing more USD to cover it.

And those banks paying high interest rates may not be insured at all, so you can be up to a nasty surprise when you're back to get your deposit.
@alexstore06 There is a govt page that shares if an institution is covered by the COSEDE and for what amounts. Yes, 32k per institution no matter the number of accounts. So 32k per would be max...only if covered up to 32k. I saw a 15% rate at a Cooperative....though only insured to 5k.
@benf101 Also even if there is insurance and if it pays, even with FDIC it won't happen overnight. You need to check how long the process takes, to make sure its not "tens of years".
@benf101 I know this conversation is old, but for anyone reading it and still interested… I have a friend who’s looking at doing a similar thing. She’s been able to set up her money into more secured USA investments and live off some of that plus having some money invested in Ecuador for the higher interest rates. Basically not putting all her eggs in one basket.

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