[Q] 3-4 funds vs 2 funds portfolio compound interest returns


New member

I read Bogle's book "the little common sense book of investing" and I have been reading bogleheads wiki and forums and there's something I can't understand

So basically there's are proponents of simple portfolio asset allocation of stocks and bonds and there are people encouraging 3 or 4 funds portfolio (US stocks, intl stocks, US and intl bonds).

My question is: Isn't a simple two funds portfolio is better from the angle of compound interest? each asset allocation will compound faster over time compared to the same investment spread over 3 or 4 funds.

Am I missing something here?

Looking forward to your valuable comments
@jess1975 10% of 2000€ is the same as 10% of 2x 1000€
200€ and 100 + 100 = 200€

In the next year you will receive 10% on 2200€ = 220€ vs 2x 110€ = 220€.

If the underlying appreciation of the Assets is the Same it does not matter on how many funds you spread it.
@jsis Trading cost was not part of his equation and would only matter if you have staggered fees or fixed fees. As long as it is a flat% of the order it also does not matter. Additionally, with the rise of zero commission broker there are also ppl that don't pay any trading cost when the order for > 500€

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