PSA: Don't pay for Skip the Dishes with Simplii Visa

@resjudicata Most of the time it's really simple. Some of the time it can be confusing.

I have had 0 issues paying at an actual restaurant, bar, fast food joint, or takeout place with the card. If I was paying Domino for a pizza and paying them to deliver it, there would be no issues. The only issue is the 3rd party delivery service. That's all I was trying to point out here.
@resjudicata Haha fair enough, I usually don't have that problem for what to order, I generally go for stuff I've never had before, staff recommendation, or something I know is good, in that order. Per tipping, I go for 15% for restaurants I like and want to support.
@gelacy Why are people so anal about people using Skip in this post? It's just a PSA so people know Simplii VISA doesn't categorize it as food for the 4%.
@auddieme I don't know why they hate Skip and I don't particularly care. People are allowed their opinions, but this is the internet, so expect the unexpected haha!
@gelacy People on this sub can be so irritated by others “treat” spending it’s ridiculous. If they want to treat themselves to skip, why the hell not? If they want to know what the best return is for their occasional extra spending why not? Not saying managing your finances isn’t important (hence why I’m on this sub), but not all of us want to penny pinch everything forever. Please stop getting upset over peoples occasional take out order or what not. Some people care a lot about their returns for using their cards and have great success with it. That’s all this post and the comments should be about, not hating on OP for treating themselves. I think it’s really sad this sub shamed people on reasonable spending habits in pursuit of saving every single penny.
@nikkixc My problem with Skip has nothing to do with "oh you're wasting your money", it's about how much they skim off the restaurant industry itself. It's like the credit card problem X10 - most of the fees aren't charged to the buyer, but the seller, and so by using Skip you're hurting the businesses you're hoping to support.

Yes, those businesses signed up for it, but you can help those businesses by picking up yourself. Skip is like giving them a reverse-tip.

That, and this is a business that runs on gig-workers. That means people who get paid zilch if they call in sick are going to be handling your food. Think about that. You've got people going door-to-door interacting with dozens - even hundreds of people per day, who woudln't take a sick day unless they were physically unable to work. That's a huge disease vector.

If you have the means, get takeout and not delivery.
@resjudicata This is a very valid reasoning and I 100% agree with you. Very few restaurants raise the prices to accommodate for the fee and do indeed loose money which is such a shame when you’re trying to support local businesses. When it comes to sick leave, I’d say a lot of employees at many chains still don’t get support they need and may work when ill. Of course this 100% varies on the company. While I 100% agree with you and think that your concerns are very much valid, I feel like most people on here don’t explain that, and just feel that if you aren’t cooking for yourself your wasting money. But I definitely agree with your concerns and think it’s a discussion that should be had. I’ve heard of some delivery services charging money just for customer to call their “private phone line” even if they don’t order anything which is simply unacceptable. Hopefully progress will be made seeing as it’s such a new field of business.
@baltimorewebdesign To be fair, ordering delivery (if possible) and when not possible deciding to order skip is still a reasonable solution. A lot of these businesses are only able to stay open right now due to delivery purchases and I think if you can afford to buy yourself a treat during these times it’s a great way to show some support. I do agree though that if you really want to pinch pennies and minimize exposure, then the simple answer is to not buy anything at all. Ultimately, OP’s issue is that he was used to earning a certain amount back at restaurants, and found that if he didn’t buy directly from those restaurants he did not get the return he wanted. The issue wasn’t really about his current financial situation and whether it is appropriate or not to eat out. I suppose it would just be nice if the comments pertained more to their original issue instead of telling OP they shouldn’t get take out at all (seeing as we don’t know their situation). But I do agree with your viewpoint as well and see where you are coming from with it, I just fell that it wasn’t OP’s concern and that we see a lot of comments like that on similar posts in the sub.
@nikkixc I don't feel like it's hating on me, but there's definitely a frustrating undertone of "eating out is too expensive you need to buy groceries". Sure, maybe that applies, but I don't feel I should need to post my income, savings, budget, and eating habits to make this kind of PSA.

I think it’s really sad this sub shamed people on reasonable spending habits in pursuit of saving every single penny.

Pretty much yeah.
@gelacy You said it better than I did. I feel like you post the smallest tidbit of advice or questions on here and then you suddenly have to explain your entire financial situation to validate your purchases lol.
@nikkixc Not gonna lie there are a lot of people who make terrible financial decisions, but by and large those people aren't here haha. They're either leaving because they want to continue doing their choices and not be shamed for it, or they're changing their choices, staying, and are no longer making the terrible financial decisions.

Ah well, it sucks, but if that's the price for having a quality sub, at least it's not too bad.

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