Progressive is shady


New member
So in November 2023 I was in a accident I had everything on dash camera guy recklessly came out of a lot and hit me I didn’t get the man’s insurance cause he decided to argue with me and the police trying to pin all blame on me. Now I had a rental car I paid out of pocket for a month while they sorted out the issue I constantly called and they said working on it . Then I see they closed the claim and the agent handling it won’t answer me there reason was they couldn’t find his insurance so now since I hired a attorney and filed a lawsuit against progressive and the man who caused the accident now they call me and said we’ll reopen the claim and handle it accordantly but it’s too late
@bill1963 Are you injured and receiving medical treatment? Do you have any first party coverage for your vehicle in the first place? What state do you reside in and what state did the accident occur in? The only way I see this being lucrative for you is if your attorney can prove bad faith on the insurance company’s part. If not, you’re really subject to the terms of your policy with your carrier. Meaning if you have liability coverage only and chose not to add any comp/collision coverage and they couldn’t find any insurance info for the other driver, there’s really nothing they could have done other than close your claim. A lot of info is missing from your post.

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