Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

@tyrom0408 You open an account with WealthSimple Trade, download app, search "VGRO", then click "Buy".

It's a diversified Index ETF with really low fees. Like WealthSimple Invest, but even lower fees.

Can read about the details here:

It's 60% equities, and 40% bonds.

VEQT is 100% equities, 0% bonds.

Vanguard has other equity/bond allocation ETFs too, that you can read about on that website.

All Vanguard ETFs have really low fees, the best in the industry (unless something new has become available that I don't know about).

Easy way to invest for long-term without needing to do much research.
@tyrom0408 Yeah, just need to make sure you get the equity/bond allocation that's right for your risk tolerance and spending timeline.

Right now I'm in VCNS and VRIF, because I'm trying to reduce my exposure to a potential market correction. They're 40/60 and 30/70 on equity/bonds, so they're more bonds, less equities. I'm also holding a lot of cash and gold.

Generally people here say you shouldn't try to time a market crash, but for me personally, I don't feel like investing in what I feel are overpriced equities.

But if your timeline for retirement is 20 years or more, timing around a potential market crash shouldn't matter.

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