Price cap details - regional breakdown

@bebopkid " The NHS needs a rally" is not even close to the reality of it. Heart attack/cardiac arrest patients are already being left to die because ambulances are taking over an hour. First hand experience of the latter.
@cbmiller There are regional variations in the gas price caps too. The standing charge cap is the same in all regions, but the kWh charge cap isn't.
@cbmiller Hi all, the easiest way to handle these numbers is to use MSEs calculator:

Let Martin Lewis do all the sums for you, just input your usage (check your supplier app/website/bill) and hit go. Personally I calculated my average annual use over the past 24 months and dropped those numbers in. Current bill is fairly accurate so unfortunately the October bill could be too
@juda It's a bit more complicated. You need to look at the multi-register meters sections, and your average cannot exceed the values provided.
@cbmiller I'm 99% certain that these figures will become irrelevant within the next 2-3 weeks. I know that you can only plan on what's put in front of you - but there is almost no chance that the average family ends up paying £3.6k a year in energy cots. No chance.
@jeffztus I'm seeing this sentiment a lot, but consider the fact that the government already spent £30bn on trying to address this. To freeze bills where they are now until January would cost an additional £42bn. To freeze them for a year would cost £130bn based on current projections.

For context furlough cost £53bn. The state pension costs just over £100bn. The entire NHS budget is £136bn. If you think the government is going to freeze bills you are literally talking about paying for a second NHS.
@jeffztus I agree, partially. I think the component you're underestimating is the elasticity of energy demand. My prediction is that we are going to see the average use figures come down significantly this year as people pull out all the stops to try and save as much energy as possible.

The normal uptick in demand that we normally see in October as people turn their heating on is likely to be muted this year as people just don't heat their homes. People are already switching to other sources of heat; anyone who can is stockpiling wood and coal to burn that. People know they can't afford these rates and so will strive to drive their consumption down as much as possible.

So yes, absolutely people are going to end up in debt (whether that be debt with their energy supplier or another creditor) but I also think we are going to see a lot more people being admitted with hypothermia or malnourishment etc. because they can't afford energy.
@jeffztus Yup - I've been saying this for a while now - I don't know exactly what they're going to do, but we're at the point where an average dual income household, or a single household earning in the 40% bracket with a mortgage, is going to struggle.

The government have to step in - unfortunately the clown we have at the moment is too busy holidaying, but I'm assuming they'll do something before the first bills hit doorsteps in November.
@resjudicata I appreciate i am fortunate on many counts but a mortgage, two kids in nursery, increased food and fuel prices, and energy bills going up again - outgoings per month are in the thousands

Its approaching the point where my wife should give up work as it will be cheaper to live that way (no commute costs, no nursery fees)
@phoenix23 If they bring in the transferable tax allowance as Truss has suggested that would give you an even greater incentive to become a single wage-earner family.

Hi-ho-hi-ho, back the 1950s we go . . . .
@cbmiller Actually disgusting that the standing charge varies so much. It should be averaged out so everyone across the UK pays the same. We’re all meant to be one “equal Union”, so why does London get away with paying the least and Scotland the most when Scotland is the one producing massive amounts of the electricity London will end up using?