@fenhn I’ll be completely honest and say no I wasn’t thinking of buying a house because market seems crazy.

But now that we’re having a baby a thought of it came up. I was thinking renting couple of more years and with getting higher education in business changing to a job with bigger wage so we can save more. But house prices seem super scary right now.

Rent is €640 including me and my fiancè, my landlord won’t change the rent due to a baby so it stays the same. I’m in this apartment for 5 years now, my fiancè moved in recently. He knows there’s 2 people in apartment didn’t change the rent. He only changes it like every 2 years by €50 a month.
@citizend Wow that's a great deal! As long as it stays like that you're fine! Where in the country do you get a place for €640? In Dublin you'd be looking at least €2000

The only issue is if your landlord decides to sell you could be very stuck.
@fenhn It’s Kerry. I lucked out like 4 years ago and got an apartment during Covid times. Rent only went up once by €40. In the meantime I got a got job outside of hospitality as it’s super popular here and worked my way up to Sales Manager. I’m really happy with the situation anyways.

I fix everything in my apartment myself, but my appliances, so my landlord visited the apartment like once in all 4 years.

My landlord doesn’t seem like he wants to sell, as this is not the only property he has, and he’s super fair landlord so I can’t complain really. Like even when I bought the washing machine he was like:”You didn’t have to buy it, I could’ve”.

But he says if he ever plans to sell he’ll offer it to me. Which I think is class.
@citizend I don't mean to sound condescending or anything my hearts so happy reading your post, you're such a sweetheart getting to work and getting it all in order. Very dad of you. I wish ye the very very best. It's definitely in the baby's and mom's best interests to be together as long as possible, those first years especially. It will make the world of difference to the little one. I hope it will all work out well for ye.
@citizend Hi, Very exciting time ahead but the main few points I can give are from experience to save, budget, plan

If you are planning both on working, You need to confirm with the childminder, regardless of who it is, their hours and rate of pay. Family and friends help out, but generally don't want to do it unless they are paid.

Second-hand/charity shops and Facebook marketplace are your best friends for everything for baby toys, strollers, clothes, bouncers, cots. Generally 9/10 times it is very good stuff.

Food-wise, don't buy anything until its born. Some babies are difficult or fussy, so require special milk. Best to wait, go with the intended formula you like and see. In the meantime, save per week/month in an account for the food.

Likewise with nappies and wipes. Buy a pack of both and see how they go, buy as you need. Don't stockpile, you may find that you have to change midway for size reasons or the baby doesn't like them.

If anyone asks to buy something, take their offer, don't be shy or think it rude. It's for the baby, and they would love to see something. Money is great as it can go towards the food fund or tell them, once born. send a text message that we need X clothes or X formula. Our baby was big so every 0 to 3 months clothes we had brought were pointless.

If you cant drive, use Tesco, Dunnes or SuperValu to drop out the stuff.

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