PPM Weight Ticket (empty) valid from previous PCS?


New member
If I have the same vehicle as a previous PCS’s PPM, is the weight ticket (empty) valid as the current PCS’s weight ticket (empty)?

Have I missed any regulations that cite a location requirement (e.g. losing or gaining PDS on this set of orders) or recency requirement (e.g. within 180 days of orders effective date)?

Not getting another empty ticket saves me time, saves the government $15-30, and just makes sense.

JTR 051502. Personally Procured HHG Transportation

F. Final Settlement. … Submit certified weight certificates or an acceptable constructed HHG weight with the claim for reimbursement …
@h%C3%A5ndflade So I bet your trans brief stated to get weighed before and after you load up the vehicle.

Before meaning probably the day or so before, hell maybe week…not months, or who knows years…before.

I promise you, if you show up to your next unit with a multi month old weigh ticket and you never were weighed prior to leaving your current duty location…good luck getting paid…

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